
The RBANA Meeting and Conference

As mentioned in the future events column, the 35th Annual Conference of Robert Burns Association of North America will meet May 29 – 31, 2015 at the Carriage House Inn in Calgary, Alberta.

The conference begins on Friday morning, May 29th, with the opportunity to compete for the RBANA Trophy on the golf links. Registration is on during the afternoon with a reception for all and in the evening there will be a dinner followed by entertainment. Saturday starts with the AGM, and after lunch the annual Jim Conner Memorial Quiz. It is followed by a seminar with presentations by well known Burnsians. There will be a reception in the evening and all guests will sit down to a Burns Supper complete with entertainment.

Special room rates are available 3 days prior and post the 2 nights of the conference. To reserve a room call 1-800-661-9566. Rates include a hot buffet breakfast for up to 2 persons per room, and complimentary WIFI through the hotel complex. Be sure to request special rate for Robert Burns Association of North America.

For further information or assistance, please contact either:

Ian Denness: frian@shaw.ca   or  Tony Grace: tonyg.sheilaw@shaw.ca

Paper copies of registration forms are available. if you want a copy please call Nancy at 410-224-3433 and she will see that you get a set.

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