The Robert Burns Society of Annapolis will be hosting a Celtic House Concert on Saturday, June 29th, 2019. This event will be held at the home of Karolyn and George St Clair in Crofton and begins at 2:00pm. You can email Heather Ackroyd to get directions and details.
Musicians are with the Natterjacks Band and will perform music from English, Celtic, and maritime traditions. These experienced musicians have also played with others bands, including The Pyrates Royale and The O’Danny Girls. Music will be pleasing to the ear and band members will be playing on a variety of instruments: guitar, violin, hammered dulcimer, concertina, flute, and percussion. A chorus of lush vocal harmonies will make for a rich and innovative sound.
Bring your friends and family for an enjoyable and relaxing afternoon of fun music and socializing. Light refreshments will be included.
Suggested donation $25.00 per person attending.
For more details, including the full address, please message us on our Facebook page or email Heather Ackroyd.