
Highlights of the RBSA’s 38th “Burns Supper” 2015

This article, written by Eric Badertscher, was previously published in The Pibroch the newsletter of the St. Andrews Society of Baltimore. Seventy-eight attendees gathered at the Annapolis Elks Lodge No. 622 on Saturday, January 24, 2015, for the society’s 38th annual “Burns Supper,” honoring the life and legacy of Scotland’s bard. In addition to the formal… Continue reading Highlights of the RBSA’s 38th “Burns Supper” 2015


“Did You Know…?” – Bits of Scottish News

Burns Musical Premieres in Scotland A musical about the life and work of Robert Burns had its world premiere in Aberdeen in January. Robert Burns The Musical is based on an idea that entertainer Michael Jackson and Hollywood producer David Gest developed in the 1990s. The show opened at the Tivoli Theatre in Aberdeen, January… Continue reading “Did You Know…?” – Bits of Scottish News


2014 Annual Conference and AGM

                         The Robert Burns Society of North America                                  2014 Annual Conference and AGM                                                                                           —Kathleen McGlew Don and I were delighted to be able to represent the Annapolis Burns Club at the 2014 RBANA Annual Conference and AGM April 25-27 in Columbia, South Carolina.  I have been honored to serve the past several years as one of… Continue reading 2014 Annual Conference and AGM


Burns Night “Toast to the Immortal Memory” 1/25/2014

by C. David Dent (mrdave21764@gmail.com • http://wildandbad.com) I was asked to deliver this “toast to the immortal Memory of Robert Burns” last year just after the last Burns Dinner. I have had a year to prepare and hopefully you’ll appreciate that I’ve waited until the last minute to actually write a year’s worth of impressions, travel, reading,… Continue reading Burns Night “Toast to the Immortal Memory” 1/25/2014