The Robert Burns Society of Annapolis
Bringing Scots Together in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County
To foster and promote good fellowship among the admirers of Robert Burns, 1759 – 1796, Scottish Poet of Immortal and Universal Fame, to encourage and promote the study and understanding of his Poems and Songs, and to preserve the culture, customs, and traditions of his native land – Scotland.
The RBSA is a 501 C(3) Not For Profit Organization that was founded in 1977. We are listed as number 986 on the membership rolls of Robert Burns World Federation.
Did You Know That…
- Burns, known as “The Poet of Democracy,” lived in the late 1700′s, and strongly supported the American and French Revolutions.
- Burns wrote hundreds of songs and poems, including words and music or both for the following: “My Luve is Like a Red, Red Rose,” “A Man’s a Man for A’That,” “Auld Lang Syne.” In the poem “To a Mouse” one finds the phrase “the best-laid schemes o’ mice a’ men have all gang aft agley.”
- Burns inspired many later novelists: John Steinbeck used a line from Burns as the title for his book Of Mice and Men.
- Many famous people have studied the works of Burns, including: Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States), John Muir (early 20th century naturalist), Sir Walter Scott (19th century historical novelist).