On Saturday, January 23, 2016, The Robert Burns Society of Annapolis will honor the life and legacy of Scotland’s most famous poet with its 39th annual “Burns Supper.” The event will take place at 6 pm at the Annapolis Elks Lodge No. 622, at 2 Pythian Drive, Edgewater, MD.
The evening will feature traditional Scottish cuisine, a silent auction, raffle, and entertainment including music and poetry that honors Burns’ legacy. In his short life (1759 – 1796), Burns wrote hundreds of poems, including the well-loved New Year’s favorite “Auld Lang Syne.”
The menu will include a choice of entree, green salad, twice-baked potatoes, vegetables, rolls and dessert. In true Scottish tradition, guests can also nosh on haggis and “neeps and tatties” (turnips and potatoes).
The “Immortal Memory“, a talk in honor of Burns’ poetry and life, will be delivered by James McPherson, Ridgely, MD. He is a long-time scholar of Burns’ work and a member of many Scottish groups. He has been invited to Scotland many times to give the Immortal Memory at Burns’ Suppers in that country.
Additional entertainment will include professional quality Highland dancing and The Devil and Dr. Hornbeck, a poem by Burns, delivered by local Burns’ scholars Rod Mc Caslin and C David Dent.
The cost is $49 for RBSA members and $59 for nonmembers. Dress is semi-formal or Highland formal. The wearing of kilts and tartan is encouraged, but not required.
For tickets or information contact Karolyn St. Clair at 410-721-7550 or stclairk@msn.com or send a check payable to Robert Burns Society of Annapolis to :
Karolyn St. Clair, 1754 Swinburne Ave., Crofton, MD 21114.
Deadline for reservations is Monday, January 18, 2015.